Thursday, May 8, 2014

Problem #2: Centering the game and make camera follow the player

I want my game to be on the center of the screen, so I asked my best friend (Google) on how to do that. Being able to find solutions through Google is a good skill to have.

Basically, I stumbled upon this thread:

But it doesn't work. Basically after poking around in other threads and spending around an hour to do so, I realized that the code is wrong. You're supposed to put this code inside the create() function: = true; = true;;

and voila, it's in the center.

(But it's not in the center when I put it in the web. Dammit, some more problems to solve.)

The next one is I want the camera to follow the player. Now I'm not sure why I seemed to be having a hard time yesterday, but actually it's just putting this code inside the function create():
player.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);, Phaser.Camera.FOLLOW_PLATFORMER);

And you don't actually need the first line. See how easy it is to do stuff in Phaser? :D

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